Welcome to your Winter Solstice portal…

As December has unfolded I have decided to shift gears for this gathering and create something that can be experienced on your own time rather than a commitment to show up at any particular time. I have made this change for many reasons, and the more I sit with this the more I feel a sense of spaciousness and tenderness towards myself and those I have been in connection with.

Here it is….

In this 1 hour and 20 minute video you will be guided through a gentle yin practice with emphasis on tools and techniques for increasing your ability to focus. At the end of our movement practice, we shift into a wheel of awareness meditation. The wheel of awareness is one of few practices that incorporate aspects of strengthening focus, recognizing the multiple perspectives and lenses we perceive through, expanding out to sense out interconnectedness, and elements of kindness interwoven.

*You can find out more about wheel of awareness here

We complete the practice with some reflection, prompts and visualization to highlight the lessons and growth of the year that has past, and step with intention into the year ahead.

I hope you enjoy this practice and I would love to hear from you if you have questions or anything to share about your experience.

Be well,


More about the winter solstice….

The winter solstice is a day to slow down, lean in and listen to the wisdom of the darkness, the wisdom of new light, and the wisdom of endings and beginnings.

The shortest day of the year, the longest night, and the reminder of constant change with its ebbs and flows, expansions and contractions, peaks and valleys.

Can you press pause for that morning to meet this potent space with intention?

What might that intention be?

What has the darkness taught you this past year?

What wisdom and curiosity is driving you forward?

Rather than overthinking and overplanning, what if we created the space to explore, feel and experiment?

Without needing to fix, problem solve, or be anywhere other than right here right now, we are nourished through simple, intuitive and non-linear movement, guided by our senses, breath, and visualization. An embodied experience to celebrate the passing of another year as we invite an intentional opening for the year ahead.