Be the Change - Book Launch series

What better way to celebrate the completion and release of my first book then to get people together to connect, move and grow! This project took a year and a half to complete, and I am excited to share the work and the conversations that this book brings into the world. 

I have put together a series of book launch events and workshops so that the deeper purpose behind the book - connection, practice and self-inquiry - can be the forefront of the journey.

I will add all the live registration links once they are created, in the meantime, please reach out to reserve your spot and I will send you the link once it is ready (


Here is a brief overview of each event: 

The first event on this list is in the largest space and is intended to be an interactive celebration as we come together to connect and hear my story about writing the book and the purpose behind the book. 

Sunday November 12, 4-6pm at Hustle Co


The second event will be at my spin studio yyc cycle Avenida. This event will start with a full 50 minute spin class with a special twist. I will lead you through the Hero's Journey on your bike, followed by some snacks and a short book reading.

Sunday November 19, 4-6pm at YYC Cycle Avenida



The third event will be at LIV yoga & wellness. This event will incorporate a personal development element. Take part in a conversation as we dive into a short exercise to understand the relationship between your conscious and subconscious and the many ways to calm your fight or flight system as it is overactive and triggered several times throughout your day. We will review the chakra energy system and use this to support our powerful, fun and sweaty Yoga Beat class. A short book reading, some snacks, and an opportunity to opt into some homework with follow-up to put your new found inspiration into practice. 

Saturday November 25, 2-5pm at LIV - Be the Change with Yoga Beat


The fourth event will be at Wild & Raw in Kensington on Sunday November 26, 630pm-830pm. Come ready to explore multiple realities as we play with multiple perspectives within your own life's story. The words we choose to use when we relay our story, relive it in our mind or avoid parts due to pain, all creates the vibration of how we view life, what is possible, and where we are headed. 

This informative workshop will incorporate intentional journaling to reframe your story to be the powerful foundation beneath your feet versus the weight on your back. I will share my story (as well as read excerpts from my book), share my process and guide you through an interactive process of goal setting, action formulating, routine generating and writing your way into a new way of thinking and being.  

While we are doing some deep introspection we will also keep things light and fun by engaging in playful exercises, sharing stories, and seeing the many ways we can cause more suffering or more joy with simple shifts in our language, posture and breath. Come learn more about this fascinating mind-body connect ;)

*Link to register will be posted soon


The fifth event will be at Saje Natural Wellness, (130 - 880 16 Avenue SW). Come with your yoga mat, ready to wake your body up. A gentle and invigorating yoga practice on Sunday morning followed by a book reading in savasana and an opportunity to shop at Saje before they open.

Sunday December 10, 9am Yoga at Saje


The sixth event is at Lole (911 17 Ave SW). An evening of conversation around how to create an evening routine that nourishes your mind and body, followed by a Yang/Yin yoga class and a book reading. 

Thursday December 15, 630-830pm Yoga @ Lole