Sacred Rest is the Portal for Manifestation

There are many ways to curate the change you desire in your life. What do they all have in common? A nervous system state that is conducive to change. There is immense power and possibility awaiting within, and we need to calm the waters to get access to the treasure that is innately in our being.

Yoga Nidra is one such practice that repairs what is keeping the nervous system activated and guides you into being the conscious creator of the life you desire.

The journey through the yoga nidra practice induces the yoga nidra state, just as we can practice yoga we also curate the state of being that is yoga. The yoga nidra state is akin to the space right before we fall asleep or right as we are waking. It's like the moment in time when you have shaken the snow globe and the habits of thought and action haven't settled in yet. You're connected more with your formless nature than your tangible form. And as wakefulness takes over, we shift into who we think we are and we think relatively the same thoughts we thought yesterday (95% of what you think today you also thought yesterday).

The shaken up snow globe is where we have the opportunity to utilize our quantum power. When we are not engaging and measuring matter, reacting and bracing with our survival mechanisms, we get access to the waves of energy as the building blocks of reality. It is here, in stillness, focused on the gap between things, enmeshed into the zero-point field that is the fabric of all creation, that we access alignment and coherence, creating intentional emergence and positive momentum.

Like neuro-muscular retraining for the body in physiotherapy, we can neuro-chemically retrain the brain through disciplined practice of breath, meditation, restoration and release. Careful and systematic investigation of current limiting beliefs and inherited programming without reacting and playing out old stories, we then can shift at a fundamental level. This is why we start and conclude the journey through the layers of our being with repeating our sankalpa three times. We open and close the gates with this sacred planting of our chosen conscious seed which is the word medicine we need.

In my online yoga nidra program, you are guided through each vital stage of this practice so you have an in-depth understanding of why the practice flows as it does, and how to consciously increase your focus, clarity and intentional healing along the way.

Learn how to shift your relationship with rest to one that is sacred, and watch as the portal of manifestation grows.