Testimonials from Befriend Your Nervous System with Yoga Nidra

I know my experience in this pandemic is not the same as everyone else. I do not want to glamorize self-isolation, however, I am practiced in focusing on the good and choosing gratitude on a daily basis. I acknowledge that for some, this pandemic has sped things up and created more work and responsibility (i.e. anyone in health care, oil and gas or financials, to name a few). Yet, for me, as a fitness instructor, yoga teacher at high schools, wellness retreat facilitator, and mind-body-life coach for groups in workshops or individuals, 90% of my income starting mid March to the foreseeable future has been cut. I am in creative mode every day playing with the various possibilities of how I can shift my business model to accommodate the world we are now in. AND, I am grateful and intrigued by the opportunity to get to know myself more intimately and spend more time befriending and retraining my nervous system so I can be an even stronger force of good in this world.

For me, being in self-isolation with the many tools I can wield and practice daily feels like ultimate Freedom. At the same time, I am very much aware and sensing the massive amount of grief, fear and uncertainty that is moving like strong and consistent waves through the collective.

What good can I do now? My main focus for the time being is to continue offering my two online group coaching programs on a consistent basis. I know there is immense value in these offerings and I am filled with joy and gratitude as I read the testimonials that continue to pour in. Right now I am in week 3 of the 4 week program The Four Pillars of Stress Resiliency, and the 6 week program Befriend Your Nervous System with Yoga Nidra begins again on April 28 (the four week program will start again on June 17).

Both programs are registration by donation for the time being. Meaning, whatever you are able to donate in exchange for participation, I will happily receive with no questions asked. You can send me an email with questions and the etransfer donation can be sent to the same email (marinmccue@gmail.com). Many people have donated and asked to be a part of both programs, which I am so thrilled to accommodate. I am also exploring facilitating these programs for individuals who want more one on one time, and for small groups that approach me with the desire to have the program offered just for them. I am happy to explore any ideas that come my way!

Here are some of the amazing testimonials I have received in the last few weeks.

“In the realm of the body and mind, Marin facilitates multiple pathways for anyone willing to dive a little deeper into themselves. Her depth of knowledge, wisdom and passion allow her to continually bring new and innovative ways of connecting to oneself. I am incredibly grateful for the workshops I have attended and the growth that has accompanied. I just finished the 6 week yoga nidra workshop and my heart is so full. It was an amazing resource to have access to while not being in the same city. Thank you for your dedication and all the knowledge you share.”

“I loved the program and didn’t realize I guess that it would be live with other people – which is fine, I just don’t tend to share a lot in that setting. But I did go through every week, did some reading and really spent some time on understanding and focusing on my body, my breath and what was happening. Even if there were some “sticky” spots, I even let that go and accessed what it feels like to just “be”. I found that probably the best part of the experience was to just take a breath and just “be”. Although, there are many times during a day that doesn’t happen, at least now I am learning to step away from what is bothering me/busy day, and take some time for myself.”   

“The REAL impact I've felt is completely different than what I expected. It wasn't the Weapon Against Bad Feelings I was expecting... first, it was an understanding of how deeply I've labelled feelings as bad or good, and the growing inkling that this labeling system didn't really come from me, and later that it was a tool of suppression and control that I was using on MYSELF like some kind of monster authoritarian government (gasp). Then it was learning about the complexity and paradox of all these feelings, which kind of threw my bad/good list into a state of confusion as good and bad feelings mixed together and became one. Then it was a slow acceptance of the purpose and ever-present nature of the feelings I had once labelled as bad. I started to let them in the room. And now over these last six weeks, I've felt a growing embrace of those feelings. (I should mention that if anyone had tried to sell me a program promising to teach me how to let my feelings be what they are, I would have run away really fast).

The elements of yoga nidra, the chakra system, and sankalpa have helped me bring this all into the present moment. I can learn from and release stories I've held in the past (they come up again from a different aspect, and I listen, learn, and let them go again). I can also let go of my deep desire to understand and control the future, which is of course entirely unknowable and necessarily chaotic. In the past, I was taught that variations of sankalpa were ways to pave a very specific road to success (I'm thinking vision boards with photos of a fit lady driving fancy convertible through the Tuscan countryside, words like "Joy", "Freedom", "Adventure", and a crowd of adoring fans clapping, accompanied by a the fit lady herself telling everyone how this all came to fruition through simple envisioning), but I've come to learn that sankalpa really has nothing to do with bringing to life a dream slideshow for the future. I think this is the true takeaway... through these practices, I can embrace unchangeable and necessary (and joyous) chaos, and jive with the ensuing emotions that colour my life. They aren't enemies at the gate, but important messengers flying through my open window. I'm now better at moving all the stuff out of the way that tells us me I must be more, or less, or that my life experience is lacking or troubled. And even more, I'm more present and empathetic with other people when they're behaving certain ways, and able to look past the shallowest level of their emotions. I can release that burden from myself rather than taking it on as my own.”

“The 6 week program was a great.  Even though I didn't attend the entire program but the ability to access the videos and the work you shared weekly was powerful. The one thing that I took away was being able to sit with my breath and energy.  That focus on energy and how it is moving and making me feel is very important for me as that helps me get in better alignment with my own self. I would highly recommend this program to everyone.”

“I think I got the most out of connecting during the actual session itself.  Given the timing of everything I was super grateful to have the meeting every week. I did not do the breathing consistently but I do feel that I got more comfortable with yoga nidra and am glad to have that in my toolbox to pull out if I’m feeling off.  I hope/think that I will continue that. I also found the mantra/sankalpa helpful and the thing that I will incorporate.”

“I really wasn't sure how much I'd get out of the zoom chats when I thought about it being a group type connection but I'm loving it. I like hearing about what everyone else is experiencing and sharing perspectives. It's really lovely!”

“We are 2 weeks in and I am loving it. The conversations are real, the questions are of quality, the guidance is above the bar. I encourage you to register for the next go around. It is worth the time. Invest in your knowledge so it can become wisdom.”

“The program was amazing, and honestly I did not feel as though I lost out by only being on a couple calls. I actually watched both weeks videos every week (even if I was in a call), and that almost made me feel more into the program. I think what stood out to me the most was just breathing… as funny as that sounds. I take it for granted all the time and it was just a reminder to slow down and breath. And like I said in the beginning my biggest thing was to slow down, and now I know how to do it.”

I am so grateful for everyone who has participated in these programs and I am excited to continue being in this work with future participants. Reach out, let’s get started.
